For those who need to use their car or motorcycle a lot, especially for work purposes, it’s quite important to keep track of your fuel costs. Fuelio is an interesting app that lets you log all your car costs, be they related to gas consumption or any routine repairs, as well as see the data in graphics and exportable analyses that can be tremendously useful if you need to report your expenses for work.


Keep in mind that Fuelio is not a search tool for gas stations. There are other apps for that and they tend to be geographically focused: for instance, Gasolineras España and Gasolineras Baratas are the best such options here in Spain, making them the ideal complement for the tool we’re discussing here to keep as close track of your expenses as possible.


The app lets you insert detailed data for your monitoring, such as the vehicle mileage at each fillup as well as the amount of fuel added and cost per liter, info that can also be associated with geolocations that can be consulted on a virtual map if you have your GPS activated. These cost logs can be viewed as plain tables or statistical graphs that can be exported in CSV tables readable by most text editors.


Initially the free version of the app had restrictions on some of the features, but after its acquisition by the well-known navigation devices firm Sygic, all of its features were made free, among them the possibility to sync all your data between devices by creating a backup to your Dropbox or Google Drive account.

More information | Official webpage