Some of the tools with the highest demand among smartphone users are those that extract multimedia content from social networks and save it locally. In this case we’re going to focus on two networks that don’t have so many options for tools like this: Twitter and Pinterest, particularly apps to extract videos from the former and images from the second.
The way Video Download for Twitter works is quite simple. First search the post with the video on Twitter and from the drop-down menu up top and copy the URL of the tweet in question. That done, go to the Home tab in the download app and paste the URL in the blank. Press the appropriate button depending on whether it’s an image or a video and you’ll have your image saved locally.
In the case of Image Downloader for Pinterest things are quite similar. Go to the Pin you want to save and tap the drop-down menu, in this case at the foot of the image. Go to Copy Image, access the app, and paste the route in the space in the Home section.
In both cases, although it’s possible to access images from the Download tab in each of the apps, you can also find them in a particular route on your device, in particular in the pinterestmp4 and twittermp4 subfolder at the root of the internal memory, although to do that you’ll need one of the many Android file explorers out there.
Eu não entendo ingles, eu tentei baixar o Format Factory e meu aparelho teima em diser que a assinatura esta conrompida e em tentativa de eu baixar em ingles baixou! Porém, baixou coisas que eu não quero, cleaner, um ant virus, e outras coisas extranhas que me fez faser a restauração do sistema por eu não conceguir desentalar! Alguem saberia como posso rastaurar a acinatura como baixo format factory? Se for possivel me responda urgente! Hontem demorou demais pra mim atualizar pro 8.1 e eu ja tive que retroceder pro 8 e atualizar pro 8.1, foi uma tortura! Finalizou por volta das H 6:00.