Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

The best free First-Person Shooter games available for Android in 2022

We've put together a list of the best first-person shooters on Android - an assorted selection of FPS games that you won't want to miss.

Android browser comparison (October 2017)

We compare the most downloaded browsers on Uptodown: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and UC Browser. Our analysis covers RAM consumption, memory occupied, performance, compatibility, and interface.

Top ten graphic design apps for Android

Android is a great platform for creatives, here's just a few of the top graphic design apps for professionals.

The best free tower defense games for Android in 2022

Check out the best free Tower Defense games available on Android. Defend your base by hitting enemies with everything you've got.

Five new alternatives to Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds for Android

We've discovered five new games that follow the leads of PUBG and Fortnite, to become the newest additions to the world of Battle Royale games.

These are all the official Pokemon games for Android

There are now six officially licensed Pokemon games out for Android devices. There's life way beyond Pokemon GO.

The best Angry Birds games on Android

We review the best Android games from Angry Birds, one of the most important sagas in the history of mobile gaming.

50 free Android games featuring female protagonists

We've compiled a list of 50 free games for mobile devices that feature a female protagonist in their stories.

10 “unreleased” Android games to download today

These are some big-name Android games that still haven't been officially released globally but can be downloaded and installed now from Uptodown.

Doze vs Greenify: How to hibernate apps and save your data...

We've already explained several times that what most eats up your smartphone battery and data allowance are all those services running in the background and doing constant checks...


