Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

Tools to catalogue your film collection

Three free programs to organize your audiovisual collections.

Become a DJ with these three tools for your PC or...

If you want to be a DJ there are many tools to emulate a mixing console from your PC or smartphone.

The best apps to optimize your new Android device

Many smartphones and tablets have arrived to new homes last Christmas. These are the essential apps you need to optimize your device.

PlayStation Now: Get PS3, PS4, and Vita games on your smartphone...

Sony presents at CES 2014 its new system to remotely play games in different devices without needing a console.

Five resolutions to help you take full advantage of your PC...

Learn to clean up your PC, try Linux, play on your computer, take advantage of the cloud storage services and take extra care when browsing the web this new year.

Seven apps to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions

We all know the New Year resolution classics: lose weight, give up smoking, or find that dream job. Here, we present seven apps that will help you reach your goal.

Three free methods to password-protect your private files

If worry about the information on your hard drive, it’s a good idea to password-protect anything you wouldn’t want to fall into the hands of third parties.

The most downloaded Android games on Uptodown in 2013

Uptodowm top ten list of the most downloaded Android games in 2013. And all are free!

Organize your Christmas shopping from your Android phone

Christmas shopping is around the corner, we show you some apps that can help you find the perfect gifts and save some money.

The best modern console emulators for Windows

The best emulators you can use to play games for PSP, PlayStation 1 and 2, Dreamcast, Gamecube, or Wii in your PC wih amazing graphics.


