Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

30 free Android games that don’t need an Internet connection

Enjoy these 30 free Android games that require no Internet connection to play so you've always got something on hand when you can't be online.

Browser comparison: 2015 edition

We present an updated comparison between the four most popular browsers for their loading speed, memory usage, and performance.
Anime character in front of a torii

The top open-world games for Android in 2022

We've selected the best open world games that you can play on Android. High-quality sandbox titles from all different genres.

Top apps for reading eBooks on Android

Don't miss this compilation of the best ebook-reading apps for your Android and enjoy reading anywhere!

Facebook reduces the performance of your smartphone

The performance problems with Facebook’s official mobile and chat clients are well known, as they eat up the battery on your device even if...

The best endless runners on Android in 2022

Here's a list of the best endless runners that you can enjoy on your Android device in 2022.

The best soccer games for Android in 2022

We've selected the best soccer games for Android in 2022. It's a list of quality games that let you enjoy the sport in a variety of different ways.

The top strategy games for Android in 2022

Here's a list of the top strategy games that you can play on your Android in 2022.

The best free Android apps for back to school

Get ready for back to school, university, or work with this smorgasbord of free apps available for Android.

The best kart racing games for Android in 2022

Fans of Mario Kart can find similar games on Android, and today we recommend the best ones available.


