reddit is currently the mother of all content aggregators and social bookmarkers, and even though it can be accessed perfectly well from any device thanks to its adaptable web design, there are still several unofficial Android clients that make for a better browsing experience and add some specific features. Below we list some of the most popular.

reddit is fun

This was the first such client to appear and is the one most similar to the original experience of browsing reddit from the website. Its primary attractions are its terribly simple interface that’s adaptable to tablets, image- and URL-loading from the app itself without needing to open anything else, and a side pull-out menu to access your most-visited subreddits. [Download]


Pulse for reddit

With quite a different look from the original, Pulse lets you do most common tasks like subscribe to channels, make comments, save favorites, and access the imgur, Gfycat, and gifv galleries and URLs or YouTube videos without leaving the app. Its distinguishing features are how compact the timelines are and the viewing of images or thumbnails in a larger size than usual to illustrate each entry. [Download]


Sync for reddit

If you break out in hives when you use an Android app that employs Material Design standards, this is your client. From the cards system to distinguish each entry to the permanent floating button to make posts, it all smells much more like Android than any of the aforementioned tools. A real pleasure. [Download]



Just the name makes this app a good bet, but it’s also true that BaconReader follows the simplistic line of reddit is fun while adding a few design concessions. A good equilibrium between the proper essence of the web version and smartphone app standards without going too far in other directions. [Download]



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